“We have planned very carefully for this unique trip and don’t anticipate any problems. However, remember that the unexpected is part of the adventure…bring your sense of humor!”
Until this past 2020 season and the Covid pandemic, Baja Discovery was extremely fortunate to say that we have never, in our almost 30 year history, had to cancel a trip. We have had to delay by one day, a handful of times, and these situations were always weather related. As much as we would love to control the weather, especially when smaller aircraft and dirt landing strips are involved, rain and wind come and go as they please. We always deal with wind at camp, and on occasion it can really blast us. Years ago, during a night of very high winds, all the guest tents had to be dropped, and everyone had to sleep in the main dining/activity tent, dormitory style! Thankfully with our newer and very sturdy tents, that should never happen again!

Winter time in the desert can also bring some rain, and it is often light and quick. However, on occasion a storm can roll through, as it did this past March, bringing strong winds and LOTS of rain. Whale camp was a soggy MESS.

Guest and staff tents were flooded, and the lagoon airstrip was like a swimming pool. So when Plan A won’t work, we move on to Plan B, (or C, or D sometimes)… in this case everyone packed up on the last afternoon, got out by van, stayed in a lovely hotel, and flew out the next morning from a different location. We were very lucky however, as a large section of the paved road washed away a short time later, and other camps had guests who were stuck for a few days.
This brings me to the “bring your sense of humor” part…sometimes we cannot control the circumstances, but our attitude and how we choose to handle those circumstances make all the difference. Those guests may have gotten VERY WET, but they also had friendly whales, made new friends, returned safely back to San Diego, and had a great story to tell their family and friends.
Check out this video footage of one of our weather enduring trips. Go to 11:15 for the visual.